Melbourne Global Game Jam 2024

Melbourne Global Game Jam 2024 runs from the Friday afternoon through to Sunday night. You’re free to go home to sleep if you prefer, but for folks with an on-site ticket, we do expect you to be on-site when not sleeping. Your teammates are counting on you!

Therefore it’s really important that you pack like you’re camping. We do provide meals, but you need to bring everything else:

  • Photo identification for registering on the first day. All jammers must be over 18 and we must be able to see ID at registration.
  • Your ticket. Make sure you have the QR code with your ticket ready to go at registration as it’ll make it faster to get you in.
  • We recommend everyone wears masks where possible and uses hand sanitizer. We’ll have a limited number of masks available at on-site registration, so we recommend bringing your own.
  • If you are participating in team formation on Friday night, please wear a t-shirt that corresponds to one of these colours:
  • RED - Designer
  • ORANGE - Programmer
  • YELLOW - Artist
  • GREEN - Audio
  • BLUE - Producer
  • PINK - Writer
  • If you don’t have a t-shirt that matches your field, please wear white, grey or black instead. We’ll have stickers you can wear.
  • Bring your own plate, bowl and cutlery. 
  • In an effort to cut down on landfill, we will not be providing disposable plates or cutlery for meals. You must bring your own and take it with you.
  • You will be provided with a Global Game Jam mug at registration, so there’s no need to bring your own mug.
  • If you’re bringing your own PC:
  • WiFi USB dongle if needed. There is no Ethernet access for BYO PCs at the game jam - if you would like to connect your PC to the network, your PC must support WiFi or you must bring a USB dongle and plug it in.
  • If you need to park while you drop off or pick up your desktop PC, please email us so we can make sure there is parking available on the Friday for you.
  • If you’re bringing your own PC or laptop:
  • Power boards and extension cables.
  • Additionally any monitors, keyboards, mice and other equipment you want to use, you’ll need to bring.
  • Please pre-download any large software that you want to use. We expect the Internet to be decent, but if everyone tries to download GBs of software on Friday it will slow down.
  • Clothing and sleeping gear
  • If you are staying overnight, you must bring everything you need to do so. We will have both a general and a women and non-binary sleeping space available.
  • Sleeping gear: sleeping bag, pillow, inflatable mattress.
  • Changes of clothes to last you three days.
  • Toiletries, deodorant, a towel and soap. Showers are available on-site.
  • Sleeping mask and/or ear plugs - some people are loud snorers!
  • Don’t forget your towel!